Saturday, November 19, 2011

Drawing Charts with Python & Qt4

Back again with some graphics stuff that can be useful in monitoring applications.
As you can immagine, this charts are 100% QPainter. The source code is available on blog-code@github.

Pie Chart
table = DataTable()
table.addRow(['Java', 17.874])
table.addRow(['C', 17.322])
table.addRow(['C++', 8.084])
table.addRow(['C#', 7.319])
table.addRow(['PHP', 6.096])

chart = PieChart(table)'pie.png', QSize(240, 240), legend_width=100)

The usage is really simple, you have to create your table with columns and data, create a chart object using the table that you've created and you can call the draw() or save() method to show/save the chart somewhere.

Scattered Chart
chart = ScatterChart(table)
chart.haxis_title = 'Proc input'
chart.haxis_vmin = 0
chart.haxis_vmax = 16
chart.haxis_step = 2
chart.vaxis_title = 'Quality'
chart.vaxis_vmin = 90
chart.vaxis_vmax = 104
chart.vaxis_step = 1

You can customize the min/max value and the step of horizontal and vertical axis, ore you can use the default calculated on your data. You can also set the Reference column with setHorizontalAxisColumn() or setVerticalAxisColumn().

Area Chart

table = DataTable()
table.addColumn('Site 1')
table.addColumn('Site 2')
table.addRow([ 4.00, 120,   500])
table.addRow([ 6.00, 270,   460])
table.addRow([ 8.30, 1260, 1120])
table.addRow([10.15, 2030,  540])
table.addRow([12.00,  520,  890])
table.addRow([18.20, 1862, 1500])

chart = AreaChart(table)
chart.haxis_title = 'Time'
chart.haxis_vmin = 0.0
chart.haxis_vmax = 20.0
chart.haxis_step = 5'area.png', QSize(400, 240), legend_width=100)

Line Chart

chart = LineChart(table)
chart.haxis_title = 'Time'
chart.haxis_vmin = 0.0
chart.haxis_vmax = 20.0
chart.haxis_step = 2

Once again, the code is available on github at blog-code/qt4-charts/

Don't miss the Florence Qt Day 2012

The conference will take place on 27/28 January 2012, AC Hotel Firenze Porta al Prato (Florence, Italy). And it is Free!

  • The Qt Project
  • Qt 5.0
  • Qt Quick
  • Qt WebKit
  • Performance & Profiling
  • Qt in Use
  • ...And many more

Take a look at for more information.